Sunday, September 27, 2009

The pregnancy, Feb-Aug 2004

The first doctor visit was unbelievable. They could finally see evidence of something they thought impossible, a child of their own. Their eyes watered up as they listened to their baby's heartbeat, but they both grinned from ear to ear when they saw the tiny little being on the ultrasound monitor. Jenny was pregnant for almost 2 months before she even knew it. She had apparently conceived in the week between her 18th birthday and Christmas. "The most wonderful gift I could ever ask for", she thought. Mark and Jenny went in for the ultrasound in which they were going to find out their baby's gender. Mark had to be out of the room at first, but when he came back in, the nurse was able to tell them. She let them try to guess before she told them and they guessed it was a girl, but were wrong. They were having a baby boy! The young couple needed to decide on a name for this wonderful baby boy. Jenny grabbed a phone book, and together they went through looking at all the names, writing down the ones they liked. They ended up with a list of about 15 names. The baby's middle name had already been decided, Randell, after Mark's favorite uncle. Now the next task was to pair it with a first name. Zachary, perfect. Zachary, to be remembered by God in Hebrew. The pregnancy was fine, everything according to schedule until she hit 8 months. On a regular visit, Jenny's doctor said that the baby hadn't been growing and that she was becoming worried. Therefore, the doctor sent Jenny over for an ultrasound to check all the baby's measurements.


Mark was at work that day, so his mom, Sharon, had come with her. Jenny asked Sharon to please call Mark and tell him something was wrong and he needed to leave work to be there with her. As the nurse did the ultrasound, no one was allowed to come into the room. Jenny was terrified that her baby was dead, and she had no one in the room to calm and comfort her. Mark had arrived and was waiting with his mother in the waiting room. He was so irritated that no one would allow him to enter the room where his wife was, he had already gotten into a verbal argument with at least one doctor by the time Jenny emerged from the ultrasound room. She walked over to her husband and handed him the ultrasound photos as she hugged him tightly. The baby, Zachary, was fine; he was just small for his gestational age. Unfortunately, that wasn't the only odd thing. Apparently, Jenny's water was leaking out slowly, and her water was at 4.5 instead of 5. This had the doctors immensely worried. Jenny's doctor ordered her to come back to the hospital at 8 am the next morning for a follow up ultrasound and non-stress test. Mark and Jenny returned home to begin making plans. Jenny was in hysterics, terrified she would lose her precious child.

Mark did everything imaginable to make things easier on his wife. He made the phone calls to their immediate families to report the news. Jenny's older sister, Missy, made all of the phone calls to cancel the baby shower. Everyone that was invited became very frightened by that and called to check on Jenny, and although she appreciated everyone's concern, it was making things worse for her. Every time the phone rang, Jenny started crying before picking up, knowing they would remind her of how terrifying the situation was. That night, Mark took Jenny out to play pool. They both needed a break and needed to take their minds off the baby.

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