Saturday, September 26, 2009

Divorce plan

After Mark's blatant disregard for her feelings and their divorce plan, Jenny decided that it was truly the end of their marriage. She began talking with Mark's mom, Sharon, about getting an apartment. She assumed Sharon was on her side, after all, she agreed with Jenny that the drug use was unacceptable. Jenny soon realized that she was only looking out for what she wanted, which was Zachary to stay in her life. Jenny would never have taken Zachary away from his family. She began to rethink what she was doing. She couldn't stand to be away from her son anymore. She was still working more than full-time, and although the money was good and she could save up for an apartment, she had no time to go see her child. Jenny decided to go back home, for her son, not for Mark. She had been gone only 2 weeks, but it seemed like an eternity. Things grew worse by the minute while she was there. Mark was so angry that she still wanted to separate that he even locked her out of the house when she returned home after working an 11 hour shift. He wrote her letters trying to make her feel guilty and asking her to leave her son so he would feel better. She refused to keep living this way, but she had no idea what to do. She got very depressed and started drinking every weekend. She hated to be at that house while he was there, but he never left! They began fighting constantly anytime they were in the same room. Zachary started crying a lot more often and Jenny could tell the fighting was stressing her baby out too much.

Shawn was a friend to both Mark and Jenny when they were in high school, but neither of them had talked to him in a while. One night while Jenny was at a party, she bumped into him. She walked into the bar and saw him sitting in the corner. He had obviously lost weight since the last time she saw him, and even as rugged-looking as he was, he didn’t look too bad to her. She greeted him with a big hug and they sat and talked all night. It was 4 am before she realized it, so she rushed home to get some sleep; she still had to work the next day. Shawn and Jenny talked everyday on the phone. He called her on all her breaks at work, and she stopped by to see him every night when she left work. Not too long after, they had started a relationship. Jenny couldn't stand the idea of living in the same house with Mark while she was seeing another man, so she asked him to leave once again. This time was worse than the last, and Jenny became frightened of Mark's fiery temper. She went and got a hotel room for the week with Shawn. She continued to work and tried to see her son at least every other day. Just before Mother's Day, Jenny picked Zach up to go visit her mom. She brought along one of his toys from Mark's house and was on her way. Once they got there, Mandy's dog, Gracie, got a hold of Zachary's toy and chewed it up pretty bad. Jenny wasn't going to give her son a toy that was in a dog's mouth, so she threw it away. She dropped Zach back off with his father and he asked where the toy was. Jenny explained what happened to him, "No big deal, we can always buy another" she said. Mark became irate, screaming about how that toy was sentimental to him and he wanted it back even if it was chewed up. Jenny didn't understand what he was talking about. "Why the hell is a toy sentimental to you?" she asked her estranged husband. "Because Brittany bought it for him." he told her. "WHAT?" she screamed. "You have had your little crack head girlfriend around my child without my permission?" she urged him to say yes. "She's only been around him once" he tried to back out of the conversation.
Jenny smacked her husband's face as hard as she could. Mark started to run up the stairs, but Jenny was right behind him, still smacking him. He turned around and threw her in the computer desk and ran up the stairs. Jenny got up and ran as fast as she could, if she caught him, she wasn't going to use an open fist this time! Mark was inside Zachary's room, on the phone with the police. Jenny began punching her husband. "How dare you!" She screamed. He pushed her out of the room and stood against the door. He wasn't following the plan!

They agreed no other man or woman was to be around the baby unless the other parent met them and agreed that they could be near him. Shawn still hadn't met Zachary; Jenny was trying to follow their plan. Jenny went downstairs, got her son from Mandy's arms, gathered his things, and headed for the door. Mark stopped her and held his arm in front of the door. "You aren't going anywhere with him!" he yelled at his wife. "Yes, I am, Mark. He's coming with me, move please." she was much calmer now with her baby in her arms. Once the police arrived, Jenny went to the officer, explained the situation, and admitted fault. He simply asked where the baby was. Jenny told him she was taking Zachary with her to her mother's house. The officer agreed that was the best idea, and told her to go. Mark began screaming and protesting against Jenny taking their son. The officer threatened that if he didn't stop yelling he would be arrested. Jenny left that night with her child. The next day, she left Zachary with her mother so that she could get some of his things from the apartment. She was relieved to see Mark wasn't home. She still had her key; after all, her name was still on the lease, it was still her apartment, too. The neighbors called Mark and told him Jenny was there. Within 2 minutes Jenny was bombarded by Mark, his mom, dad, and his sister. Mark's sister, Lacy, actually tried pulling Jenny out of the apartment by her shirt. As Mark and Sharon began to scream at Jenny, he asked her where the baby was. She told him, or course, and out the door went Mark and his father. Sharon stood there yelling to the men, "Go on guys, go get our baby". Sharon and Lacy surrounded Jenny in the living room questioning her about what she was doing there. "This is my house, not yours. I'm getting Zachary's toys." Jenny tried to stay calm.

Sharon began screaming obscenities at Jenny about being a slut. Jenny tried to ignore them so she could finish gathering toys and go get her baby. By the time Jenny arrived back at her mother's house, Mark, his father, and his sister were standing outside as Mark talked to the police on the phone. Jenny went to the back door and asked her mom to let her in. She locked the door behind her and took her precious son back into her arms. The cop came in and asked if Jenny was the mother. He said that he would make Mark and his family leave, but if Jenny hadn't been there Zachary would've gone to his father. Now Jenny couldn't be away from her child for even one second or Mark and his family would take him away.


They think that you
Are the good one
They think that you
Were the one wronged
They think that I
Am a whore
They think that
I screwed up
They think that we
Never should have been
They think that we
Were doomed anyway
You think that I
Hurt you most
You think that I
Am just a bitch
You think that you
Were perfect all the way
You think that you
Did everything for me
I think that you
Lied to me
I think that you
Stole from me
I think that you
Wronged me
I think that you
Hurt me
I think that you
Ruined me

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